Sunday, 1 November 2015

Jane Eyre and Medea

Jane Eyre and Medea
Jane Eyre-National Theatre

Things that were good...

·         Physicality of the dog was endearing and believable. Actor picked up a stick (representing a tail) and instantly became a dog.
·         Music + soundtracks that were used throughout were effective and kept interest. Mixture between live/pre-recorded sounds and voice over.
·         Characters change buy one costume or prop addition.
·         Transition through time by listing the months in unison. Added a physical action to important months.
·         Coat into a baby. Play ends how it began.
·         Time passing through movement transition in a circle.
·         Use of lights (hand held): used to create fire, pathways etc
·         Thoughts being said by other people which represent the consciousness of a single character. Mind is arguing amongst itself.
·         Clever use of multi-role: different accents and costume additions to represent different people.
·         Different light colours represent different places, e.g red  = isolation room for Jane.
·         Running on spot to signify traveling.
·         Simple set, running in different directions to occupy the space.
·         They all fall asleep on top of each other in a line.
·         The deaths were simplistic and represented by the actors going under the stage.

Medea- Almeida Theatre

Things that were good…

·         Silhouette effect in “yummy mummy” murder movement sequence. 

·         Use of staging, pit in stage for ‘grave’.

·         Smooth transitions between scenes.

·         Children onstage during arguments, looking away was effective. They were not part of the actual scene but it demonstrated that they are the ones being caught up in anything.

Things that could be improved…

·         Use of shouting in key moments instead of throughout for more impact.

·         Shorter monologue from half man/woman at end so audience don’t lose track/interest.

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